We Are On :
2795 Anchusa Drive, Plainfield, IN, 46168
We Are On :
2795 Anchusa Drive, Plainfield, IN, 46168
Donate To The Women and Children Welfare Center Project Donate To The 100 Beds Hospital Project Donate To The Build-A-School Project

Help The Poor and the Homeless

Join the cause to help women and children who need just a little support from those of us who are blessed in order to live and see another day. Your generous donation can safe a starving or a dying child, a homeless family, or a someone who has lost hope.

Donate To The Women and Children Welfare Center Project

Help Us Build a Hospital For The Poor

This project is the foundation’s top priority because many of the women and children’s effort to survive is being paralyzed by health conditions that could be treated for little to no cost. However, the lack of access to a medical facility has robbed then of the opportunity to survive for another day. Your generous donation will help us complete this project and get this hospital up and running.

Donate To The 100 Beds Hospital Project

Help Keep Poor Children In School

34% of Liberia’s women are illiterate, living below poverty line, and unable to send their children to school. Sadly, the number continues to increase due to the vase number of uneducated teens and young adults who are also having children.

Donate To The Build-A-School Project

Our MISSION and VISION statement

Ma-Juah Foundation's MissionOur Mission

Revealing God’s love to the world through humanitarian services to the homeless, poverty-stricken women and children, and those suffering from substance abuse.

Ma-Juah Foundation's VisionOur Vision

Our vision is to assist the marginalized population in African nations through the provision of scholarships, small business grants, disadvantaged women and children welfare programs, provision of healthcare facilities, and housing assistance projects.

Be part of a change

Help Us Build a Hospital for the Poor

Join our sponsors and donors today to help us complete our first biggest project, 100 BEDS HOSPITAL. We took on this initiative because base on our own encounters on ground in Liberia, there are thousands of women and children being buried too soon because they can not afford to get medical treatment.

Pledged So Far

Target: $500,000.00

$ Donate Now

Appeals & Donations

Causes we care about

Below are the various projects we hope to accomplish in the span of one to five years. We currently have project 100 Beds Hospital underway, with hope to complete it by July of 2023.

100 Beds Hospital for Poor Families

The goal of the building the hospital is to cater to the healthcare needs of…

So Far
Goal$ 500,000
Raised$ 150,000

47 Units Staff Housing for our Hospital Employees

This project will help eliminate the hassle of running into hospital staff shortages due to…

So Far
Raised$ 500

Education Scholarship & Small Business Grants

A grant program that covers students who can not afford to go to school and…

So Far
Goal$ 60,000
Raised$ 30,000

Women and Children Welfare Center

Help us provide a transition shelter for homeless women and children, including those living in…

So Far
Goal$ 155,000
Raised$ 5,000

Build Schools in Poor Communities

A grant program that covers students who can not afford to go to school and…

So Far
Goal$ 90,000
Raised$ 30,000

Recreational Center for the Poor

A grant program that covers students who can not afford to go to school and…

So Far
Goal$ 45,000
Raised$ 28,000

We have a Goal

Our Mission & Vision

Orphans MissionOur Mission

Nam commodo erat vulputate est vulputate, quis imperdiet tortor finibus. Quisque at mollis est, dignissim tempus erat. Ut vitae mattis velit. Sed lobortis sem mauris, sed euismod risus blandit nec. Mauris vestibulum sem turpis, pulvinar dictum risus bibendum et.

Orphans VisionOur Vision

Nam commodo erat vulputate est vulputate, quis imperdiet tortor finibus. Quisque at mollis est, dignissim tempus erat. Ut vitae mattis velit. Sed lobortis sem mauris, sed euismod risus blandit nec. Mauris vestibulum sem turpis, pulvinar dictum risus bibendum et.

Upcoming Events

Suspendisse bibendum venenatis interdum. Praesent pellentesque lacus convallis, faucibus tortor id, interdum elit. Nam dolor erat, dignissim a laoreet sit amet, efficitur in sem.


Ride for a Promise

Aenean rhoncus volutpat aliquam. Donec vehicula elementum risus at lobortis. Suspendisse bibendum venenatis interdum….

  • 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Buffalo, New York

Donation is Hope for affected

Aenean rhoncus volutpat aliquam. Donec vehicula elementum risus at lobortis. Suspendisse bibendum venenatis interdum….

  • 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Buffalo, New York

Help a Storm trooper

Aenean rhoncus volutpat aliquam. Donec vehicula elementum risus at lobortis. Suspendisse bibendum venenatis interdum….

  • 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Buffalo, New York

Play your part.Help the Many People in Need.

Nullam a accumsan arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam suscipit massa molestie tortor placerat commodo. Mauris sed posuere nibh. Nulla facilisi.
In non laoreet felis. Etiam egestas molestie volutpat. Quisque venenatis ultricies molestie. Phasellus porta eget lectus eu lobortis.
Fusce pharetra euismod diam, a cursus mauris auctor id. Suspendisse potenti. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut nulla facilisis, maximus augue eget, viverra risus.


Our Volunteer

Morbi rutrum vitae ligula vel malesuada. Fusce id bibendum arcu, vel placerat nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut luctus erat tortor, a feugiat odio viverra gravida.

Mark Wood


Martina Doe


John Doe


Jake Smith


We do it for

People in need

Aid for Children

am elementum risus sed nisi pretium cursus. Mauris consequat luctus ante, quis scelerisque augue.

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Clean Water

am elementum risus sed nisi pretium cursus. Mauris consequat luctus ante, quis scelerisque augue.

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Helping Hand

am elementum risus sed nisi pretium cursus. Mauris consequat luctus ante, quis scelerisque augue.

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Our Blog

Latest News


Help promote girl’s education in the world

Aenean rhoncus volutpat aliquam. Donec vehicula elementum risus at lobortis. Suspendisse bibendum venenatis interdum. Praesent pellentesque lacus…

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Do Something Crazy To Raise Money

Aenean rhoncus volutpat aliquam. Donec vehicula elementum risus at lobortis. Suspendisse bibendum venenatis interdum. Praesent pellentesque lacus…

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Build School For Poor Childrens

Aenean rhoncus volutpat aliquam. Donec vehicula elementum risus at lobortis. Suspendisse bibendum venenatis interdum. Praesent pellentesque lacus…

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Meet our partners

Official partners

How You Could Take Part?

Morbi rutrum vitae ligula vel malesuada. Fusce id bibendum arcu, vel placerat nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut luctus erat tortor, a feugiat odio viverra gravida.

Join The Coalition

Nunc ornare leo eget mi tempor eleifend. Nulla facilisi. Nunc tempus eleifend lectus.

Quick Fundraise

Nunc ornare leo eget mi tempor eleifend. Nulla facilisi. Nunc tempus eleifend lectus.

Become A Volunteer

Nunc ornare leo eget mi tempor eleifend. Nulla facilisi. Nunc tempus eleifend lectus.

Make Donation

Nunc ornare leo eget mi tempor eleifend. Nulla facilisi. Nunc tempus eleifend lectus.